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  • 2004



    6.952 2004 HD

    Freshman high-school student Melinda has refused to speak ever since she called the cops on a popular summer party. With her old friends snubbing her...

    Aliran: Drama

    Pemeran: Kristen Stewart

  • 2004

    Super Size Me

    Super Size Me

    6.767 2004 HD

    Morgan Spurlock subjects himself to a diet based only on McDonald's fast food three times a day for thirty days without exercising to try to prove...

    Aliran: Documentary

    Pemeran: Morgan Spurlock

  • 2003

    The Mudge Boy

    The Mudge Boy

    6.6 2003 HD

    Chronicling the troubled existence of Duncan Mudge, a 14-year-old misfit who—while vying for the attention of his vacant father—struggles...

    Aliran: Drama

    Pemeran: Emile Hirsch
