Phi·Brain 神之谜

Phi·Brain 神之谜 - Season 3 Episode 20 为有100个星星的仁干杯

25:14 分钟 2025 HD

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Told by Orpheus that she won't be able to become a Phi-Brain as she is, Raetsel agrees to take on a Sage Puzzle in order to obtain an Orpheus Bracelet. Despite Jin's objections, Raetsel enters Orpheus' world to a maze, in which she is only allowed to climb downstairs. During the puzzle, Raetsel sees visions of her past with Jin, desiring the power to change the past so she can stop him from facing up against Pythagoras. Some time later, Raetsel, along with Kaito and Rook, see another memory in which all three of them spent time with Jin, which Rook believes isn't simply an illusion. After figuring out the puzzle's trick, Raetsel solves it and earns an Orpheus Bracelet.

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